Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sitting on the Floor

Our church has a rug on one side of the sanctuary designed to give kids a place to move around as they play and worship during services. I've been wanting to tell you about one of the perks of sitting on the rug with kids.

I can freely sit in whatever position feels best & helps me engage in the service. No forced formal position in uncomfortable pews. I can sit on the floor. I can just be me.

Last Sunday I sat on the floor for a service at the National Cathedral in Washington!

Not in the nave.

In St Jospeph's Chapel in the crypt level (interesting place to celebrate Easter). Two of the 3 sides where the congregation sits are banks of carpeted steps! Wonderful.

Sadly, I missed seeing the Children's Chapel which I've since read is sized for a 6 year old child. (I guess I'll have to apply the travel saying....always leave something undone so you have a reason to go back)

Anyway, if you want to find a place on a floor or a rug Sunday morning at Gethsemane, with or without kids, as far as I'm concerned, more power to you.

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