Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sitting on the Floor

Our church has a rug on one side of the sanctuary designed to give kids a place to move around as they play and worship during services. I've been wanting to tell you about one of the perks of sitting on the rug with kids.

I can freely sit in whatever position feels best & helps me engage in the service. No forced formal position in uncomfortable pews. I can sit on the floor. I can just be me.

Last Sunday I sat on the floor for a service at the National Cathedral in Washington!

Not in the nave.

In St Jospeph's Chapel in the crypt level (interesting place to celebrate Easter). Two of the 3 sides where the congregation sits are banks of carpeted steps! Wonderful.

Sadly, I missed seeing the Children's Chapel which I've since read is sized for a 6 year old child. (I guess I'll have to apply the travel saying....always leave something undone so you have a reason to go back)

Anyway, if you want to find a place on a floor or a rug Sunday morning at Gethsemane, with or without kids, as far as I'm concerned, more power to you.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Way to Celebrate Easter

We pay attention to Lent, Holy Week is full of services and observances, Easter is a big day...then we kind of forget about it. All this build up, then the big thing gets here and its over? Of course it isn't over in terms of its meaning. But it isn't over in terms of the church year either. The season of Easter is 50 days long. One thing available this year to help us celebrate and explore the meaning of Easter is the Alleluia Booklet. Its been put together by Gethsemane Episcopal Church with contributions from people from Gethsemane as well as others. Check it out at