Thursday, February 22, 2007

Looking forward to the Labyrinth

If you've never walked (or seen or even heard of) a labyrinth - don't worry. Feel free to come and give it a try. Very few, if any, instructions are needed and you can approach the experience however you feel comfortable , however you're led.

I view the labyrinth as a tool for meditation, prayer and reflection. Within that, the possibilities are vast.

Some people walk simply with an open mind & heart. Some walk meditating on Scripture. Others bring a specific prayer or a question with them into the path. Some walk marking a special occasion or a personal intention.

If interested, all you have to do is simply come and walk.

For those who may like to do some reading on labyrinths and walking them, I recently stumbled upon the book "Walking a Sacred Path" by priest and psychologist Dr. Lauren Artress. I found it interesting enough to read the whole thing. Someone else at church currently has my copy. The city library also has the book.

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