Monday, March 22, 2010

According to Coyote

My kids & I attended According to Coyote at the Children's Theatre.
Wow! We all loved it.
These were old spiritual stories. They were engaging.

My kids and I attend church regularly and hear the lectionary readings.
Wow! We're all bored.
These are old spiritual stories. They're a struggle to engaged with.

Is it the stories? I don't think so.
Is it the professional actress and professional support? I think there's more to it than that.

  • Telling stories is different than reading stories aloud.
  • A story teller or reader who engages deeply and fully (beyond mind and voice) engages listeners more deeply and fully.
  • In church we take ourselves and our beliefs so seriously. We resist having fun and playing. We're not good at combining serious topics and serious fun, godliness and play.
  • Stories benefit from the support of noticeable context, be it visual, auditory, historic, cultural, personal, etc.

How could we do more with this in church & in our families? Brainstorm some ideas. Let's do it .


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