I've noted some juxtapositions in my life lately.
Engaging in social & religious conversation in the morning
with a member of a Baptist church that I used to call home.
Engaging in social & religious conversation that same evening
with a pagan high priest.
Reading quotations from the well known pastor of that same Baptist church,
indicating that women should not hold authority over men, even in some secular positions.
Reading "Dance of the Dissident Daughter,"
"A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine."
Between, within and beyond such juxtapositions
are my life, my experience and the people I love.
Sunday at church someone explained to my children that in the time of the service called "The Peace",
you can greet anyone you want.
Another person followed up: "That is, if they're in church."
How true!
So many of the people with whom I want to exchange a sign of peace,
In fact with whom in various forms I do exchange signs of peace,
are not in church.
Some are in other churches (of many different kinds)
Some are scattered across the country or around the world
Some do not express their faith in the context of a religious community and
Some belong to religions with other names.
God is with you.
And also with you.
Let us rejoice in the power of the Spirit.
(found in many, expected and unexpected, wonderful places.)
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