Wednesday, December 09, 2009

My Christmas Shopping is Not Done

Just saw the movie What Would Jesus Buy? with Rev. Billy and The Church of Life After Shopping. I recommend it.

I bought into most of the beliefs of the Stop Shopping Church/The Church of Life After Shopping years ago. But like most of us I suppose, I struggle to live out those beliefs to the extent to which I'd like. The desire to teach my kids human and spiritual values over the values of consumerism provides my greatest struggles over it. This responsibility toward my kids, in the face of the difficulties of fulfilling it, make me sad and overwhelmed sometimes.

But in spite of that, the movie helped me. It gave me insight, reminders, ideas and motivation! I'm prompted to re-think some of the decisions I still have to make about Christmas gifts and celebrations this year. I have a combination of good ideas and challenging questions. But not much time to figure out how I'll act on them! I think it might be fun though! How many days until Christmas?

If nothing else, whatever I do now is a step in a good direction. How may days do I have to re-think and revise until Christmas 2010? We're coming both to a New Year and to Epiphany, right?