The result that most caught my attention came from the question asking if I think God is a he. Of course I said (any guesses....?) that I strongly disagree. Hope I didn't shock too many of you too badly.
What surprised me was how many women matching my age group, education level and who identified as Protestant differ in perspective from me.
- Those who disagree (7%) or strongly disagree (15%) that God is a he total 22%.
- Those undecided are 26%.
- Those who agree or strongly agree that God is a he total 52%
That got me to wondering about those of the same demographic but of no religion. On this measure I'd fit in better there.
- Those who don't think God is a he are 67%.
- Undecided 21%.
- Those who think God is a he are 12%
I'm tempted to make so much more comment on this.....but I'm afraid to do it here in such a one way form of potentially public communication...too much potential for button pushing and misunderstanding.
Want to talk further? Let me know. This and so many other topics of even greater importance deserve open honest conversation that they too rarely get.