Over the last few weeks I've been at church outside of Sunday mornings more often than usual. I'm amazed at the amount and variety of things that go on at church during these times. I often get to have a conversation with someone that I don't get much chance to talk with on Sunday morning.
I also have had opportunity to enjoy things in the church building itself that I wouldn't usually have the time or opportunity for, for example, the Stations of the Cross. Last year a new set of stations were installed. They're water color paintings by an artist who is part of the church. As good and relevant as the text often used for of the stations at Gethsemane is, trying to engage with the text and moving politely within a cluster of people going from station to staion didn't facilitate appreciating the paintings very well for me. Over the past few weeks I've walked around and just looked at them by myself a couple times. I think they're wonderful. I'd encourge you to take the time to just quietly take them in.