Thursday, February 22, 2007

Looking forward to the Labyrinth

If you've never walked (or seen or even heard of) a labyrinth - don't worry. Feel free to come and give it a try. Very few, if any, instructions are needed and you can approach the experience however you feel comfortable , however you're led.

I view the labyrinth as a tool for meditation, prayer and reflection. Within that, the possibilities are vast.

Some people walk simply with an open mind & heart. Some walk meditating on Scripture. Others bring a specific prayer or a question with them into the path. Some walk marking a special occasion or a personal intention.

If interested, all you have to do is simply come and walk.

For those who may like to do some reading on labyrinths and walking them, I recently stumbled upon the book "Walking a Sacred Path" by priest and psychologist Dr. Lauren Artress. I found it interesting enough to read the whole thing. Someone else at church currently has my copy. The city library also has the book.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Blogs are Back!

Finally everything seems straightened out and I'll be able to write again!

Anticipate updates about once a week here and/or at

I hope you'll join me in thought and conversation.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Why No Posts?

Frustrating problems with being able to access my blog. Unfortunately not yet resolved. I got here this time...but once I sign out, who knows how I'll get back. I have a good guess what the problem is...but solving it is another thing. So, hopefully I'll get it worked out & you'll see some more posts here soon...or at least eventually. If nothing new is showing up, check for comments to this post where I'll tell you where I'm starting over. (I'm pretty sure I can post comments.) I hope it doesn't come to that. We'll see.